Sunday, April 25, 2010


Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51: 10

As in what this was to show Davids devotion to God and how much he wanted to stay with God forever. He unlike the kings before him, repented for his wrong doings and begged God to not take his spirit from David.

At times we all wonder if we are even capable of forgiveness, but to be able to recognize our wrong doing and then repent with all our soul to god, take's a lot to just do it. If you are reading this right now, i urge you to put as much devotion as possible into God throughout the next week, not only reading the bible and praying, but also by living completely for him. We all can do this just as David does, but before we fail if possible.

This is the verse I'm using as a marker for the restart in this blog. the website will be updated soon, and then to start a new series in expecting great things from God, and my own verse dissection.

Forget Ordinary